Meet The Owner
John Lindegren, Owner, Roasted Provisions Coffee Co. (aka Chief Coffee Officer, Supreme Chief of the Coffee, ASM-Coffee) |
Hi everyone, my name is John Lindegren. I'm the owner of Roasted Provisions Coffee Company, LLC. Thanks for stopping by to check out the shop and what it supports.
Like so many others, I have served in a wide variety of volunteer Scouter roles. I currently serve as the Council Training Chair (Virginia Headwaters), and recently completed service as an Order of the Arrow Lodge Adviser (Shenandoah 258). I have also been a Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Assistant Cubmaster, Assistant Den Leader, District Training Chair, Wood Badge staffer (Troop Guide, ASM Logistics, Quartermaster), Associated Chapter Adviser, and a DYLC staff (Table Guide). I am the recipient of the Unit Leader of Merit Award, District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver Award, and Vigil Honor.
I was fortunate to attend a Wood Badge course through the BSA Transatlantic Council held at Gilwell Park, UK, where the original course was held in 1919. I have grown to see the importance of this training and it has moved me to be more of a student of leadership and the continuous growth process involved.
Scouting is also a family activity. My wife, Sarah, serves in many roles at the Pack, Troop, District, and Council levels. She is our Council's Outdoor Ethics Advocate and is a Leave No Trace Master Trainer. Our three sons are all active in Scouting, and so far, our oldest has earned his Eagle Rank.
Outside of Scouting, I facilitate leadership development training and serve as a certified leadership and performance coach with the Department of Defense.
Regardless of past, current, or future titles, I'm passionate about encouraging a positive growth mindset, focused on the values of service, leadership, resilience, and character...especially within our youth. Through true servant leadership, we can all contribute to our communities to make the world a better place.
If you're curious, I prefer darker roasts, and mostly go between "World Friendship" and "Coffeemaster", typically using a Hario V60 pour-over method...though I do enjoy a nice Aeropress too. Sarah usually prefers an even darker roast. She's currently drinking "Brownsea Island Reserve", our French Roast using the Moka Pot.